Dental Blog

When Your Dentist Recommends Treatment Do You Really Understand What's Involved?

Written by | Jun 24, 2024 4:52:42 PM

It's good to be in-the-know. Knowledge leads to informed decision making.

That insight would apply to understanding the different types of dental procedures your dentist recommends.

Often you hear your dentist, a dental hygienist, or a dental specialist throw out a treatment term - some common...others not so common.

You might wonder about the details, what's involved in the procedure, and ultimately what the benefits are.

Let's explore some of those common (or perhaps not so common - depending on your experience) treatments and procedures your dentist mentions.

Be in-the-know about recommended dental treatment

When your dentist says you need a filling

A dental filling is among the most common dental procedures. Bottom-line: a filling treats cavities that are caused by tooth decay.

Before filling your tooth with a material such as composite resin, gold, or porcelain your dentist will remove the decayed portion of your tooth.

The basic benefits of a dental filling include:

  • Restoring your tooth function and your ability to chew without pain or discomfort.
  • Preventing future tooth decay and protecting your tooth from additional damage.
  • Providing your treated tooth a more natural-looking and attractive appearance.

When your dentist says you need a crown

A dental crown is essentially a cap that's placed over your damaged or decayed tooth. The treatment restores your tooth to its natural shape, strength, and appearance.

Crowns are recommended most often for teeth that have severe decay. They're also for teeth that are cracked or are weakened by large fillings that are no longer protecting the remaining tooth structure.

The benefits you receive from treatment with a dental crown:

  • Protection for a weakened tooth structure.
  • Durable and long-lasting restoration of your tooth to help ensure proper biting and chewing.
  • Improve the appearance of a damaged, misshapen, or discolored tooth and enhance your smile.

When your dentist says you need a root canal

Root canal therapy gets a bad-rap. The procedure itself is used to treat infection or damage to your tooth's pulp (the internal portion of a tooth).

The treatment removes the infected or damaged pulp, cleans the inside of the tooth (and its root), and seals it to prevent future decay or infection. A dental crown is often placed on the tooth that's been treated with root canal therapy.

The benefits you can expect from a root canal include:

  • Relief from the pain that has been caused by infection or damage.
  • Saving your tooth from being extracted.
  • Preventing the spread of infection to other parts of your mouth or body.

When your dentist says you need an extraction

A tooth extraction is a final alternative for a tooth that's too damaged or decayed to treat. The procedure removes the tooth from its position in your gums.

An extraction is also necessary for your wisdom teeth (your back molars) when they become impacted (the failure to develop or emerge properly).

The benefits of a tooth extraction are:

  • For pain relief
  • To prevent further complications from a tooth that's severely infected, decayed, or misaligned
  • To improve your oral health by removing unhealthy teeth

While you've likely heard about or know some details about these common treatments - you can now be more informed when your dentist recommends a particular procedure.

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