How to Create “Influential” Dentist Reviews

| 6 min read

Do you think of yourself as an “influencer?” It might seem strange to equate influence with posting a dentist review but there’s power in doing so.

Online reviews wield a lot of power. Relative to dentistry, your review can cover a dentist’s -

  • Reputation
  • Chair-side manner
  • Professionalism

”Recent research reveals that 86% of patients checked online reviews beforePullQuote choosing their last dentist.” [1]

Your “voice” (and opinion) have power. An honest, thoughtful dentist review can…

  • Encourage others to make an informed choice about their dental care.
  • Provide insight a dentist can use to improve their patient experience.

The truth about dentist reviews

Thoroughness and honesty seem to be the top challenge of dental reviews. It’s not that reviewers are being untruthful.

The issue is fairness when it comes to a comparison between a negative or positive review.

You might find it easier to be straightforward about specifics when leaving a negative review. A positive review, on the other hand, can often be a cursory “great job” or a mere “star rating” at best.

The quality and quantity of feedback is the measure of a good dentist review.

Keep in mind that one dentist might not see the volume of patients compared with another dental office. Or you, as a new or returning patient, might forget or not take the time to post a review.

The key: if you like your experience with the dentist, provide as thorough a review as possible.

  • Your dentist benefits!


  • You have influence on the patient experience!

How to create “influential” dentist reviews

Take the lead

Be one of those patients who are willing to write and post a review without being asked. Sure, it’s good when asked to share a review but the request can sometimes slip-through-the-cracks during an appointment.

Write your review as soon after your appointment as possible. Smart device technology gives you immediate access for leaving a brief review.

Use available options

You’re ready and willing to leave a review…but where? Trust and authenticity around reviews increases when you use neutral online review sites - instead of a dental practice or dental services website.

Common review platforms include:

  • Google reviews/Google My Business
  • Yelp
  • Health Grades
  • Facebook

Describe and share your experience

A useful dental review covers the essential details of your experience. Keep in mind that a review has the potential to influence another’s choice about a dentist.

  • Make your review brief yet thorough in describing your appointment.
  • Be positive if that fits your experience. And be useful in your comments about any negative points.
  • Provide helpful perspective about your appointment (e.g. why you scheduled, what treatment solution you/family member received, outcome, etc).

”Circle-back” with your dentist

A positive review belongs online for all to read. It can also be shared with your dentist - just in case they happen to miss reading it.

  • Text or email your dentist and/or their business team to let them know about your review.
  • Check their reviews on occasion and acknowledge other “useful” reviews according to the review platforms guidelines.

Collaboration with a dentist is an essential part of your oral health care. Posting a review of your dentist is another way to influence your care and others who choose their services.

A dental consultation isn’t limited to an in-office appointment. Virtual dental care is a convenient, comfortable solution to begin the process of resolving your oral health issue or condition.

Experience a review-worthy patient experience with an online dentist on a convenient, cost-effective digital platform

The team of dental professionals are trained to identify, diagnose, and treat any dental condition. From toothaches to second opinions - you’re covered!

  • Access a 24 hour dentist now from your personal, private, and secure account.
  • Select a reason for your visit using a brief questionnaire.
  • Receive virtual dental care from a licensed dentist when you provide your issue details, any photos, and/or dental/health records.

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