Your Dentist or Dental Hygienist Might Recommend Dental Sealants - Here’s Why…

| 6 min read

Preventive dental care is essential to a lifetime of good oral health. You likely hear about brushing and flossing from your dentist and dental hygienist but you might also hear about dental sealants.

Among preventive care, dental sealants don’t have the “rock-star” status of your toothbrush or floss. Yet, the simple, painless procedure has major preventive benefits.

Why does your dentist and hygienist recommend dental sealants?

Preventing tooth decay is a top priority. That said, decay prevention is more challenging for your back teeth.

Molars and pre-molars have a number of grooves and fissures. These hard-to-reach teeth can create brushing and flossing challenges.

Food particles and build-up that remain on these teeth can give oral bacteria and plaque an opportunity to thrive. The longer bacteria remains on your teeth the risk for decay and cavities increases.

Dental sealants provide a protective barrier that prevents plaque bacteria and food particles from penetrating these hard-to-reach teeth.

Two primary benefits of dental sealants

Cavity prevention

“…sealants have been shown to reduce the risk of decay by nearly 80% in molars. This is especially important when it comes to your child's dental health.” [1]

”…sealants protect against 80% of cavities for 2 years and continue to protect against 50% of cavities for up to 4 years.” [2]

Keep in mind that no cavities or less cavities detected by your dentist means lower dental care costs as well.

Early and ongoing tooth protection

Children and teens can be more prone to cavities. Older adults with diminishing function can also be susceptible.

  • Diet and lifestyle
  • Poor or ineffective dental hygiene
  • Difficulty reaching back teeth

These factors increase the potential for decay and cavity related issues.

Early application of sealants on children (6 and up), routinely as an adult, and as a preventive treatment as a senior adult can help reduce cavity risk, urgent dental conditions, and dental treatment costs.

How are dental sealants applied to your teeth

The dental sealant procedure isn’t complicated.

The treatment is:

  • Painless
  • Non-invasive
  • Able to be applied during your routine check-up and teeth cleaning appointment

Again, the process of applying dental sealants isn’t complex or time consuming.

  • Your teeth are prepped and dried.
  • A solution is applied to each tooth that roughens the surfaces of your teeth to enhance the bonding process.
  • Your teeth are rinsed and dried again prior to the sealant application.
  • The sealant solution is “painted” onto the external surface of each tooth.
  • A curing light is often briefly used to cause the sealant material to harden for effective protection.

Dental sealants certainly promote confidence as a preventive dental treatment. But they are not a replacement for your daily oral health routines.

Daily brushing, flossing, and regular dental check ups are also vital parts of your preventive dental care routine. Dental examinations also give your dentist the opportunity to confirm that your sealants are effective and providing your teeth the necessary protection.

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