What is Malocclusion...and Should You Be Concerned?

| 7 min read

You might be accustomed to your dentist informing you that you have a cavity. But what if you're informed that you have what's known as malocclusion.

Sounds serious!

And it can be if you lack understanding about the condition and its impact on your oral health and overall wellbeing.

  • Chewing difficulty
  • Your appearance
  • Damage to your teeth and gums

Those are among the issues that malocclusion can cause.

So, what is malocclusion?

Basically, the condition refers to the misalignment of your teeth or their position when you close your mouth.

Malocclusion can show up in a variety of ways.

  • An underbite - when your lower teeth protrude over you upper teeth.
  • An overbite - when your upper teeth protrude or cover your lower teeth.
  • Cross bite - when your teeth are laterally misaligned.
  • Overcrowding - when your adjoining teeth lack the proper spacing that causes them to be misaligned or crooked.

The causes of malocclusion can vary as well. Could be genetics, abnormal tooth development, childhood habits such as thumb sucking, or the result of facial injury.

What happens to your teeth with malocclusion?

The worse case scenario would be to ignore treatment. Doing so can affect your oral health, your lifestyle, and ultimately magnify the common issues associated with malocclusion.

Difficulty chewing and speaking clearly

Tooth misalignment creates chewing problems that could lead to digestive issues. The condition can also affect how your pronounce your words when speaking.

Ongoing oral health conditions

Your risk of dental problems can increase when you avoid treatment for malocclusion.

These conditions can develop as a result of improper bite alignment and how your teeth compensate for bite force.

Increased risk of dental trauma

The position of your teeth and bite irregularities can make your teeth more vulnerable to injury - especially during accidents or when participating in sports activities.

Appearance concerns

Tooth misalignment can affect your facial appearance. This can result in being more self-conscious about your smile and further affect your confidence and self-esteem.

Treatment solutions for malocclusion

The condition can be corrected. Deciding and following through on the best treatment option will improve your oral health and your lifestyle.


Your dentist could recommend a variety of orthodontic treatments for your malocclusion.

  • Traditional braces using metal or ceramics gradually shift your teeth into proper, healthy alignment.
  • Clear aligners are custom-made to fit over your teeth to gently move them into proper alignment. They are removable and more discreet than traditional braces.
  • Lingual braces use brackets and wires to attach to the back surfaces of your teeth - making them less visible from the front.

Jaw surgery

A severe case of malocclusion could require surgical correction. Jaw misalignment is the primary issue relative to a surgical procedure that repositions your upper or lower jaw and corrects your bite.

Dental restorations

Dental crowns, dental bridges, or dental veneers can be used to reshape or resize your teeth. These restorative procedures improve your tooth alignment and bite function.

Tooth extraction

Teeth that are severely overcrowded could best be treated by having one or more teeth removed. An extraction creates the healthy space necessary to bring your teeth into proper alignment.

The benefits you can expect from treating malocclusion

The key is timely treatment and follow-through on your dentist's treatment recommendation.

  • Improve your bite function for easier chewing and speech clarity.
  • Reduce your risk of tooth decay, tooth damage, and gum disease.
  • Enhance your facial appearance and improve your confidence.
  • Prevent potential dental trauma.
  • Preserve your oral health and overall well being.

Malocclusion can sound serious - and it is if untreated. Knowledge about the condition, its symptoms, treatment solutions, and benefits empowers you to consult with your dentist if you have related concerns.

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