Dental Blog

Medications Your Dentist Can Prescribe for Your Treatment

Written by | Dec 19, 2022 5:24:27 PM

One word could describe why you schedule a dental visit.


In addition to the initial appointment your dental treatment might require a prescription.

Your dentist is capable of prescribing a variety of medications that can help you get the relief, healing, and the healthy outcomes you desire.

What medications can your dentist prescribe?

That question can be answered through understanding the categories of dental prescriptions. For example, there are some dental remedies you can acquire over the the counter.

Others, such as those we will cover here, have a stronger and more effective result because they require a prescription.

And there are dental conditions that solely rely on treatment you can only receive via a dentist’s prescription.

Dental prescription alternatives to common over-the-counter dental medications

Prescription toothpaste

Toothpastes purchased over-the-counter provide the basic benefits aimed at cavity prevention and fresh breath.

Your dentist could recommend a prescription toothpaste for treating a higher cavity risk. Certain health conditions or genetics are often to blame.

  • Ask your dentist about health conditions that increase your risk of cavities and decay.
  • Request information on prescription toothpastes that can slow cavity and decay progression.

Prescription teeth whitening

Over-the-counter whitening products are common and provide a degree of effectiveness. Longterm stains on your teeth that impact your enamel can require a stronger treatment.

Professional teeth whitening can be prescribed in-office or with a professional at-home kit provided by your dentist.

Prescription mouthwash

Stronger, prescribed rinses are recommended to treat certain oral conditions.

  • Gingivitis (a form of gum disease)
  • Thrush (an oral infection)
  • Dry mouth syndrome
  • Bad breath

Prescription dry mouth treatment

Saliva has a variety of oral health functions. It helps eliminate food particles from your tooth surfaces and keeps your mouth’s pH balance in check for cavity prevention.

Lack of saliva can lead to dry mouth condition. Your risk of tooth decay has the potential to increase as a result.

Your dentist can prescribe dry mouth medications such as a gel, rinse, or pill.

Prescription night guards

Teeth grinding creates wear on your teeth and gum tissue. Causes vary.

  • Stress or anxiety
  • Poor bite alignment
  • Lifestyle habits such as tobacco or alcohol use
  • TMJ (temporomadibular joint) disorder

A mouthguard can be prescribed and custom-fitted to help reduce the damage caused by teeth grinding.

Dental medications your dentist can prescribe for specific a dental condition or treatment


Mouth or tooth pain that becomes unbearable will often require an analgesic. Many dental analgesics are non-narcotic and can be obtained over-the-counter.

Those include ibuprofen, Tylenol, and aspirin.


Your dentist could recommend an antibiotic to combat or treat infection before or after your dental procedure. Gum disease or an oral infection can also require a prescription antibiotic.

Common antibiotics prescribed by your dentist include:

  • Penicillin
  • Amoxicillin


It’s common for anesthetics to be prescribed by your dentist during an oral surgery procedure. Topical anesthetics such as lidocaine and carbocaine are go-to medications for your procedures.


Gum disease treatment and mouth discomfort could prompt your dentist to prescribe an anti-inflammatory medication. Useful prescriptions could include:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Motrin


Bacteria growth within your mouth can be treated with antiseptic prescriptions. Each are capable for eliminating the bacteria that can cause gum disease and bad breath.

Mouthwashes and mouth rinses are the most prescribed antiseptics for dental use. Follow your dentist’s instructions for usage.

A certified, licensed dentist is aware of the prescriptions that can treat and prevent certain oral health conditions.

  • Trust their expertise.
  • Seek answers to your related questions about dental prescriptions.
  • Provide your dentist an accurate and current medical history - including your current medications.

Check-out the following resource for additional insight into the value of sharing your medical history with your dentist:

Why Your Dentist is Interested in Your Medical History

Take advantage of available technology when seeking answers about dental prescriptions. Virtual dental care solutions can connect you with a licensed online dentist for a dental diagnosis and any related prescription medications.

Connect with a dentist online for convenient access to dental care and prescription support

The team of dental professionals are trained to identify, diagnose, and treat any dental condition. From toothaches to second opinions - you’re covered!

  • Access a 24 hour dentist now from your personal, private, and secure account.
  • Select a reason for your visit using a brief questionnaire.
  • Receive virtual dental care from a licensed dentist when you provide your issue details, any photos, and/or dental/health records.

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