Dental Blog

It's Time for a New Approach to Preventive Dental Care

Written by | Apr 17, 2024 10:01:38 PM

Preventive dental care is a priority. Having access to a system that promotes an effective, convenient, and affordable solution for your oral health is a game-changer.

NewEnamel® is an online dental care resource that maximizes telehealth to deliver preventive care that primarily focuses on advanced tooth decay and cavity prevention.

Rethinking preventive dentistry

The standard approach to oral health issues is responding when a problem arises. Required treatment could be more costly and invasive due to a delayed diagnosis.

The core of NewEnamel®'s approach is a commitment to preventive care that begins with a free, confidential online dental health assessment.

  • A personal evaluation of your risk factors for tooth decay
  • Identification of preventive factors that promote the natural repair of your teeth

Your NewEnamel® assessment sets the stage for personalized dental care that's tailored to your unique dental needs.

The use of telehealth technology and algorithms enables NewEnamel® to provide you evidence-based care.

Think of it as bridging the gap between dental science and your sense of empowerment as a dental patient.

A focus on risk assessment

Your level of risk can vary. This determines the type of dental treatment you would require.

NewEnamel® uniquely categorizes your risk according to three distinct levels.

  • Moderate risk
  • High risk
  • Extreme risk

Segmenting your risk level enables specific treatment to be applied based on your dental health status.

The effectiveness of NewEnamel® is driven through its use of the CAMBRA® system (Caries Management By Risk Assessment).

This science-backed approach to caries (tooth decay) emphasizes risk assessment and prevention unlike the traditional approach that focuses on treating existing cavities.

Following your online assessment, a licensed dentist will review your results and prescribe a prescription-strength product and related instructions tailored to your specific level of risk.

NewEnamel® provides you the ability to manage your oral health risk through preventive measures instead of waiting until potential costly problems arise.

Innovation that prioritizes preventive dental health

The key to NewEnamel®'s innovative approach is its ability to track data and measure the effectiveness of treatment.

  • Bioinformatic tools analyze outcomes
  • Ongoing system refinements prioritize your care

NewEnamel® promotes dental health through its comprehensive focus on tooth remineralization and controlling the destructive impact of oral bacteria.

Your teeth are in a constant loop of breakdown and repair. Diet, daily oral hygiene habits, and the presence of oral bacteria have a combined impact on your teeth.

NewEnamel® gives you access to prescription-strength products that are designed to support the ability of your teeth to naturally repair (remineralization).

  • Essential minerals such as fluoride help strengthen your tooth enamel and the impact of bacteria produced acid damage.
  • Prescription oral rinses offset the effects of acid-producing bacteria, helping rebalance your oral environment, and reduce tooth decay risk.

NewEnamel® also supports prescription-based treatment interventions with dietary guidance and other information to optimize your oral health outcomes.

In essence, NewEnamel® emphasizes a proactive approach to dental care that exceeds traditional symptom management.

The NewEnamel® system is designed to be accessible and user-friendly.

  • No special equipment is required
  • Easily incorporate the approach into your daily routine
  • Clear instructions and hassle-free guidance for developing preventive oral health habits

NewEnamel® is a paradigm shift for dental care. The utilization of telehealth, personal health data, and risk-assessment empowers you to take control of your oral health.

Discover more about NewEnamel® and how it works here.

Virtual dental care solutions such as NewEnamel® and provides you a convenient, easily accessible, and cost-effective solution for preventive dentistry.

  • Transparent consultations
  • Free scans
  • Convenient, time-saving access to low cost, virtual dental consultations with a licensed dentist
  • Connection to in-person dental care with dentists in your zip code

Stay consistent with your dental care and prevent decay related oral health issues

The team of dental professionals are trained to identify, diagnose, and treat any dental condition. From toothaches to second opinions - you’re covered!

  • Access a 24 hour dentist now from your personal, private, and secure account.
  • Select a reason for your visit using a brief questionnaire.
  • Receive virtual dental care from a licensed dentist when you provide your issue details, any photos, and/or dental/health records.

Discover more about on our How it Works page. Or Register Now.