Dental Blog

An Easy-to-Use Solution for Achieving a High Oral Wellness Score

Written by | Feb 22, 2023 11:23:33 PM


It’s said that “seeing-is-believing.” That’s true in life and related to dental photo scans and what they reveal about your oral wellness score.

But who’s keeping score?

That’s a vital question for tracking your oral health and any issues that could require a dental visit and/or treatment.

Let’s review why dental images and scans are essential to your ongoing oral health.

Images tell a “story”

Dental images and scans function as a visual “storyteller.” According to Albert Meharabian, in his book, Silent Messages,

”…seven percent of communication is verbal, while 93 percent is non-verbal.

  • Images are able to grab our attention easily, and we are immediately drawn to them.
  • Images help us become involved, and help contribute to the storytelling process…” [1]

The storytelling process supported by images creates engagement. In the context of your dental care that’s a significant reason to make sure yours are current and available for viewing when necessary.

Your available and accessible images create engagement in two key areas relative to your oral wellness.

1-Communication flow

The relationship you establish with your dentist relies on effective communication.

  • Between you and your dentist
  • Between you, your dentist, and a specialist referral
  • Between your dentist and their support network including labs
  • Between you, your dentist, and your insurance provider


Keep in mind that there are occasions when your oral health condition might not cause you pain or discomfort. Lack of pain can give you a reason to delay or postpone a diagnosis or treatment.

Dental scans and images create a “seeing-is-believing” nudge to seek a dental consultation that could lead to a treatment solution.

Again, your oral wellness score could be dependent on how self-aware you are about your dental health. Images support that process and help prevent costly or time consuming treatment.

A solution for staying aware and keeping your oral wellness score high

Maintaining self-awareness and tracking your oral health requires tools. Relative to photographic tools, there’s a personal technology solution available to you.

For example, the platform allows you to follow guided photo templates of your mouth and teeth with the convenience of your smart phone.

  • Scanned photos generate your Oral Wellness Score
  • The presence of cavities, gum related issues or inflammation, damaged or defective dental restorations, plaque build-up, and more are detected.
  • Follow-up is possible with an on-demand, licensed, online/virtual dentist for a small fee.
  • Your virtual dentist can provide prescriptions and/or refer you to an in-person dentist in your local zip code.

This convenient oral health and wellness assessment provides a solution for you and your family if:

  • You lack dental insurance coverage
  • You have fear of dental visits or dental anxiety
  • You desire to take control of your oral health by trusting photo scans and virtual dental consultations
  • You prefer to be in the “drivers-seat” when consulting with a dentist or specialist in-person.

The solution helps you accomplish those along with the self-awareness that’s essential to a healthy oral wellness score.

  • Transparent consultations
  • Free scans
  • Convenient, time-saving access to low cost, virtual dental consultations with a licensed dentist
  • Connection to in-person dental care with dentists in your zip code

Track, monitor, and maintain a high Oral Wellness Score with an easy-to-use, cost-effective tool

The team of dental professionals are trained to identify, diagnose, and treat any dental condition. From toothaches to second opinions - you’re covered!

  • Access a 24 hour dentist now from your personal, private, and secure account.
  • Select a reason for your visit using a brief questionnaire.
  • Receive virtual dental care from a licensed dentist when you provide your issue details, any photos, and/or dental/health records.

Discover more about on our How it Works page. Or Register Now.

