4 Reasons You Might Be Avoiding the Dentist (And How to Overcome Them)

| 6 min read

85.9% of children and 64.9% of adults [1]. Those are the stats representing annual dental visits. It also reveals that a significant number have reasons for avoiding the dentist.

If you’re among those who avoid dental care you’re not alone. And your reasons for doing so are likely personal.

Why have this discussion?

Dental health has a substantial role in your overall physical health. Dentistry might not get the press” that general medical health does but it’s still vital to your wellbeing.





These and more are factors you might relate to if you’ve been avoiding the dentist. There are ways to counter the common avoidance issues while discovering an alternative solution.

But first…let’s explore a few of the reasons that others (and perhaps you) avoid dental visits.

Four reasons you might be avoiding dental care (and how to overcome them)

1-Pure and simple dental anxiety

Fear of the dentist is real for many. This brand of anxiety keeps a percentage of children and adults out of a dental office.

Dental anxiety can strike in anticipation of a dental appointment, during a dental visit, or even at the thought of discussing a dental issue. There’s no judgement because fear of the dentist is a realistic challenge.

But there are baby-step solutions.

  • Start with a dental check-up or basic consultation - preferably with an online dentist. No treatment…just a conversation.
  • Get acquainted with a dentist via a virtual dental visit. A real-time, visual conversation in your own environment can help you feel more comfortable should you need an in-office appointment.

2-Cost perceptions

Across all demographics cost seems to be among the top reasons for avoiding a dental appointment. But the perception about cost has much to do with lack of understanding about the long term value of dental care.

An investment in your oral health has a strong ROI (Return on Investment). This is especially true if you understand the downside of poor oral health.

  • Tooth loss
  • Health, wellness, and esteem issues
  • Potential for more costly dental treatment

These run counter to protecting what’s essential to a quality life:

  • Your teeth
  • Your overall health and well-being
  • Your financial resources

It’s best to perceive dental care as an investment rather than a cost.

3-Don’t see (or feel) the need

This reason typically follows the thought that lack or pain or problems must mean everything is okay. Sure, symptoms (like mouth pain or a toothache) are indications that something’s up.

But not all dental problems start with pain.

In fact, a toothache could be a sign that a dental issue has worsened. For the sake of your oral health this is one time to not merely trust your “feelings.”

  • Schedule a check-up to get ahead of any developing dental issues.
  • Don’t ignore the pain thinking it will go away. A toothache could be a symptom of deeper problem.

4-Time and inconvenience

It’s common to not have the time for a dental visit until you have to make time (e.g. a dental emergency). There’s also the inconvenience of scheduling around work, etc.

  • Seek an online dentist and schedule a virtual dental visit.
  • Avoid the often inconvenient wait-times of the ER and instead see a dentist now online.

You could have legitimate reasons for avoiding dental care. Even so, there are solutions that can help with your perceptions about seeing a dentist, the associated costs, and the lack of time or the inconvenience.

Virtual dental care provides you the opportunity to consult with an online dentist. It provides a convenient, initial solution for immediate dental care and/or a follow-up second opinion to a previous diagnosis.

Start or renew your relationship with dentistry. Schedule a convenient, easy, cost-effective online dentist consultation on a dedicated digital platform

The Dental.com team of dental professionals are trained to identify, diagnose, and treat any dental condition. From toothaches to second opinions - you’re covered!

  • Access a 24 hour dentist now from your personal, private, and secure account.
  • Select a reason for your visit using a brief questionnaire.
  • Receive virtual dental care from a licensed dentist when you provide your issue details, any photos, and/or dental/health records.

Discover more about Dental.com on our How it Works page. Or Register Now.


[1]           https://www.primedentalgroup.com/6-reasons-people-avoid-the-dentist/